Thursday, August 9, 2007

Summer Fun

It has been so long since I have BLOGGED!! We have had such a fun & crazy summer. Ryan took swim lessons in Omaha and by the end of the class was MOST IMPROVED!! (He needed a lot of help.!!) We have done the children's muesum, zoo, pool and visited parents and grandparents. Our basement is almost completed. They are almost done trimming it out and should be ready to stain and paint by the end of next week. Ryan registers for kindergarten tomorrow and Ladybug opens back up on Monday for Joseph and Ava. School starts for Ryan in the next few weeks. We will be busy with Ryan's soccer and Ava is taking dance. CONGRATS to Colette and Andy on Layla's pregnancy. Ryan will be so excited to stay and play with the puppies. Thanks for everyone's help this summer with the kids!! xoxo Alissa
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