Monday, May 21, 2007

Roll With It

It seems no matter how well we are organized, how early we get up, how many hours in advance we get ready to leave something always gets thrown in the mix. A diaper blow-out, driving down the driveway and some one yells "I have to go to the bathroom", I forgot my blankee, the 5 minute talk before we get to church, but someone still ending up in the basement for the last half of mass. We have learned to relax and enjoy almost every moment with the kids. We have learned to tune out the fighting and let them hash it out themselves. Time has already gone by so fast. Ryan is quickly approaching kindergarten this fall. This pic of Joseph spitting up during the flash is unpredictable and reminds me how little control we have over most things!! (Kate, I took this one for you after you said I am always behind the camera!! Happy birthday this week!!)
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