Monday, May 28, 2007

Brotherly Love

I know I just blogged a family picture of the three kids, but I thought this was adorable. Ryan LOVES Joseph and really enjoyes talking to him & entertaining him. He loves sharing a bedroom and frequently tells Ava to get out of his "Boys Only" room. They were good at the grocery store the other day and I let the kids pick out jammies. Ava, of course picked out a disney jammie dress with ruffles. Ryan picked out Lighting McQueen jammies and made sure it came in a small enough size for Joseph & him to match. So precious. xoxo
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Love our Gmas

Ava and Great-Great Gma Mimi Memorial Day weekend. xoxoxo
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Quilt Coop

Helping Grandma at the Quilt Coop is always so much fun. Grandma gives us lots of projects. Ava was too busy for the picture. She was in the middle of stringing buttons, beads & jingle bells to make a necklace!!
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Our Little Sweet Potato

I admit I had to double check my spelling on Potato. Tommy made me google it. After the Dan Quail spelling error, I always find my self unsure of it. Seems so silly!! I double checked the jar and it said potatoes. Potatoe didn't look right. So I did do a spell check.
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Lazy Days of Summer (almost)

We enjoyed a relaxing Memorial Day weekend. The kids bowled with friends, we traveled to visit family and enjoyed a lazy day on Monday. We had a day at the "beach" while dad mowed the yard. Ryan & Ava rode their bikes and played in the sprinkler while Joseph watched. Happy Memorial Day Weekend!! Abby we have been thinking of you today. The World Herald had an article on Kevin Gaspers that I will put in the mail. Miss You. xoxo

Monday, May 21, 2007

Roll With It

It seems no matter how well we are organized, how early we get up, how many hours in advance we get ready to leave something always gets thrown in the mix. A diaper blow-out, driving down the driveway and some one yells "I have to go to the bathroom", I forgot my blankee, the 5 minute talk before we get to church, but someone still ending up in the basement for the last half of mass. We have learned to relax and enjoy almost every moment with the kids. We have learned to tune out the fighting and let them hash it out themselves. Time has already gone by so fast. Ryan is quickly approaching kindergarten this fall. This pic of Joseph spitting up during the flash is unpredictable and reminds me how little control we have over most things!! (Kate, I took this one for you after you said I am always behind the camera!! Happy birthday this week!!)
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Monday, May 14, 2007

Ladybug Dance

Ava grinned from ear to ear as she boogied down at her second dance performance with her Ladybug preschool friends. She loves Miss Kathy and looks forward to dance every monday.
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Wednesday, May 9, 2007

What's for Dinner??

After the rain had finally stalled, the guys decided to have some fun and show the boys how to have a good time. They hopped in their trucks and headed south toward the flooded grounds. They put on their waders, grabbed their nets and scooped up some carp. I am sure it is a time that Ryan and Nathan will never forget.
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Monday, May 7, 2007

Daddy's Helper

Thank goodness the rains have stopped!! We had a chance to get outside tonight and work with the dogs. Ava loves to be daddy's little helper, but she dosen't forget her purse. It was full of fingernail polish, strawberry shortcake chapstick and stickers!!

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Can you even see me???? I am on protest. I will not wear shorts. I will not wear jeans. I will only wear a skirt. I will only wear skirts that twirl. Lately my jean skirts have taken a back seat to my longer more flowy skirts that twirl better. I asked mom non-stop to get a good picture of me twirling. Can you tell I am wearing my Halloween costume from last year?? I love it and would wear it to bed if allowed. I don't how in the world I got to be so girly with two brothers. Last night I played catch with the football with dad and Ryan. I tried to get them to do "Ladies first," but they wouldn't listen. My mom said laides first only when it applies to manners. I shouted "Let's play manners football!!"

Cow town

The kids have tried to be really good while Joseph has been sick. I think they have permanent wrinkles from all the pool parties in the bathtub this past week!! We can't wait for summer. Ryan is still saving his money to buy a cow. He goes back and forth between cow and rabbit. Last week it was rabbit. Last month we toured a few petsmart locations looking at rabbits up for adoption. We looked online for rabbit cages and tried to do a little research. He has bounced back to cows now, and will probably at some point be in 4-H showing some calves.

Chicken Pox

Friday night May 4th, Mom noticed a few tiny bumps on my forehead and body and loaded me up and we headed to Children's. After a long evening of pokes and waiting, they sent us packing around 1:30 a.m. I don't know how in the world I got it, but I have chicken pox. Luckily, we caught it super early and I only have a few small pox. When it rains it pours. I just got over the Norovirus last week. It has been super crazy around here. Ryan & Ava have stayed healthy and have been super attentive. Ryan has been driving his hotwheels from pox to pox trying to keep me entertained!! I love all the attention from mom & dad. I feel great. No temp, ears are perfectly healthy. Can't wait to get over this.