Saturday, September 25, 2010

Henry Dorly Zoo

Never in a million years do the kids sit this good for a nice picture.
The little blonde kid laughed and said "YEAH!!" when Joseph said "I'm gonna catch one of those birds"
Joseph puts the train ride at the top of his list for activites at the zoo.
Another fun Mom and Joseph day. I am really enjoying the one on one time with the kids and am trying to make special time for each of them with activites they love.
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Can you guess Joe's favorite player? We are thankful SA is having such a great season to balance out the emotions of 2 boys after watching the Vikings games this year.
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This is how poor Midnight spent her summer. Running away from Joseph on a daily basis actually put Joe in some cardio training. He is a little quicker and she is now perching herself up on unreachable heights to stay away from him.
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First day of School

Ryan is in the 3rd grade at St. Alberts and Ava Grace is in the 1st grade. They are both loving their teachers and I am loving getting back to a routine after a fun and busy summer. Joseph is in the 3yr old program at Saint Alberts also. Ava cracked a smile in the 2nd picture when Midnight (our new kitty) peeked down from the tree to get in the picture.
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Peek a boo

Joe mastering the camera from the back seat
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Relaxing Evenings

Our summer has been so crazy that it has been nice to unwind outside with the kids in the evenings. The kids have mastered knock-out with the basketball hoop. Joe's still too little that he will ride his tractor around like a crazy man while we are frantically trying to get each other out. I am usually the one taking pictures, but instead of relaxing Joseph shot me picking up toys at the end of the evening.
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Great summer with family. Allyson and Heather. Abby and Ryan. Ella and Joseph. Ryan and Joseph. best little brothers :) "brothers don't shake hands, brothers gotta hug"
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Summer with Ella

The kids had a fun summer with family. We were lucky to be able to watch Ella for a few weeks. The kids loved her and have a great bond with long distance family. We had quite a few family outings and photos!! Miss you guys. See you soon!!
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2010 Brewers Baseball

Ryan enjoyed another year of baseball with his classmates. They had a great season and quite a bit of fun. Tommy was heckeled quite a bit from other parents for being one of the best dressed coaches. (Coming directly from work) :)
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Cousins and Friends!!

The kids had fun all summer riding their scooters and trikes. The frogs were thick this year and were the victims of many experiments and playtoys.
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Swim Team

Ryan and Ava had a busy summer with swim team for Council Bluffs Country Club. They loved it and are ready for next year. I loved that they were exhausted by the end of the night. Bed time was a breeze!!
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4th of July 2010

All flag football games are cancelled today with this weather. It gives me a chance to sit down and update my blog. Kids had a fantastic summer. We stayed busy with baseball, swim team, visiting family and friends and plenty of sleepovers and field trips.
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Monday, September 6, 2010

Waterboy 2010 Saint Albert Falcons

Ryan Hughes and Jack Eickholt were the waterboys for the home opener football game verses Lewis Central. EXCITING!!
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