Friday, March 21, 2008

3 Little Monkies

Since the enforcement of new rules, (No TV monday through thursday, Friday night Movie Night along with Saturday & Sunday cartoon mornings) the kids have been playing together better. Joseph is not so annoying to them and they love trying to get him to do new stuff. (like a pet) This is Joseph's first attempt of Jumping on the bed. Knock on wood we have had no broken bones or stitches!!
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Sunday, March 16, 2008

Happy St. Patty's Day

Good Morning Kiddos!!! Happy St. Patty's Day!! Hope everyone is feeling good today. Hats off to the bus driver for getting us all home safely!! Drink plenty of water today. Happy Birthday Anne Marie.

Bus Ride of Fun

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Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Nelson Family

I can't believe it has taken me so long to blog these pics from January. I know I had blogged just a few but there were soooo many!! The kids miss all the cousins. We had a great holiday break and can't believe it is already almost easter. Can't wait to see everyone in May. Amy, I know you won't be back with the kids but I am sure we will see you soon. Take care Everyone. xoxoxo
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2 weeks of COUSINS!! Over xmas break

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Duck that sings the Chicken Dance

Dad, would you please get that out of my face.?? It's not funny after the 15th time.
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My little Ponies

Ava's newest love is the old my ponies we found in rubbermaid containers last week when we went through toys. I think almost all of them are from her aunts!! She dresses them up with bracelets and calls them each princess. The artwork displayed is a CASTLE!!! oooohhh!! A few minutes after the picture Joseph walked through and kicked the ponies over. boo hoo.
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1st Zoo trip of the Year

Joseph enjoyed being pushed around the zoo. I let him out a few times but he was perfectly happy to take in the sights from the comfort of his own stroller. Living the life.
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George was trying to impress the girls with some Power Ranger/Karate moves. Ava & Maddie enjoyed the show!!
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Daylight Saving Time was a little rough on us!!

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