Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Morning

Joseph was loving Christmas morning!! Ava was helpful in opening his gifts for him on "accident" He loved all the paper and boxes.
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Family from the Windy City

Right?? Chicago is the windy city?? An adorable picture of Betsy and Joseph.
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Merry Christmas

I love it when you take a picture and then are suprised by something funny in the background. Tommy relaxing in the kitchen drinking a cool one while we are trying to corral our little monsters for a family picture. He's so helpful. He's probably thinking "I just got my old lady a new washer and dryer for christmas she won't mind if I hang out with the guys and play some cards tonight" He is so adorable. All kidding aside, Christmas Eve is our favorite holiday. Going to mass then enjoying the evening with family, fun and FOOD!! We are so thankful for our family, friends and our health. God bless. Merry Christmas. The Hughes Family
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First Xmas Concert

Ryan had a speaking part in his first Christmas concert!! This picture is so blurry. He is standing directly to the right shoulder of his Choir teacher in a bright blue shirt with his hand over his eyes. (Tommy had the same exact choir teacher when he was in school) Ryan walked up to the microphone and said "Christmas time is here at last, hurry santa hurry fast." We celebrated afterwards by driving through Dairy Queen for a mister misty.
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Love the Tub

The kids were dying to give Joseph a mohawk/fohawk. Any time Ava wants to spend time with Joseph I worry. Yesterday she invited him into her room to play and then piled all the toys on her bed in the middle and laughed that he couldn't get them. She can't stand all the slober. Hey, Who can??
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Spending too much time in the Tubby

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Ladybug Dance

Ava Grace and her classmates performed for us in December to some great Christmas tunes. They really enjoy showing us what they learn!!
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Snow Day

I am thinking if I throw this at mom, Santa is watching. I will wait until after Christmas.
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Washcloths are not my friends

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Little Birthday Boy

Well, we survived. Ryan and Joseph celebrated their birthdays together for the first time. Ryan turned 6 and Joseph turned 1 on December 22nd 2007. It was a little hectic and a lot of fun. Joseph is at a great age and the kids adore him. He is happy most all of the time. He is so in love with his giggle/tickle Elmo. We had a houseful of family and friends. Joseph received his first official haircut on his birthday and did well. I am sure the double birthdays will be crazy for years to come.
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Birthday Boy

Ryan celebrated his 6th birthday with a sleepover and a few rounds of Operation. Get ready boys, Ryan has been practicing!!
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