Sunday, July 1, 2007


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Joseph is getting so BIG!!! He just hit the 6 month mark last week and went in for his check up and shots. He was 19 lbs 8 oz. Dr. Jones said a week or two max until it's time to bump him up for the new carseat. He is proving so far to be our easiet. A real go with the flow kinda kid. Loved the pool last week. Enjoyed the fireworks this weekend. Lights up when talked to and very easily entertains himself when we can't quite get to him fast enough. The kids adore him. We are just so thankful everyday for healthy happy kids.
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Saturday Night Fireworks

Sophie (or as Ava calls her Fofie) & Ava watching the fireworks display Saturday night at the block party.
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Gone with the Wind

The balloon Ryan picked out at the grocery store for behaving started to sag a little and we decided it would be fun to put his name and address on it in hopes of finding a new pen pal. Little did I know he would be crying an hour later saying it wasn't such a good idea and he misses that old balloon.
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