Monday, April 9, 2007

Hands Full!!

Grandpa & Grandma Hughes with 6 grandchildren
and another one on the way!!
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Joseph's Arrival

We were blessed with the birth of Joseph Michael Hughes on Dec. 22nd 2006 in the afternoon. He arrived on Ryan's 5th birthday!! We celebrated with family in the hospital room that evening. Aunt Katie brought cupcakes and Ryan grinned from ear to ear as we sang "Happy Birthday." What a great day!! Although Godmother Coco got rear ended on 72nd Street after she left the hospital. It wasn't her fault!!!
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Peaceful Sleep!!

It is amazing that Joseph gets any sleep with our busy house!! We try
to keep it down in the hustle and bustle of every day activities, but it
is hard!! We have it easy now. Soon he will be walking & crawling. That is
when we will be really going in different directions!!
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Suprise Visit!!

Ryan & Joseph get a visit from Grandpa & Gma Ripley.
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Abby's back!!

We enjoyed our time with Abby while she was back from Iraq in March on her 2 week visit. We had countless family dinners and outings. The kids enjoyed the trips to the zoo, children's muesum, and playing with the cousins. We had too much fun and too little sleep. We pray that she stay safe on her return to Iraq and continues to be watched over until her mission is complete and always. We love and miss you already. xoxo alissa
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Happy Easter!!

Happy Easter Everyone!!
We kicked off the weekend by decorating eggs.
Ryan and Ava spent hours in the kitchen dying,
coloring, pasting, and glittering a few colorful eggs.
Ava decorated the smiley face orange egg to look
like Gma Jody. Our Sunday was relaxing as we
awoke to find the Easter Bunny left the kids
new bikes. Ryan loves his new Diamondback!!
Ava loves the Barbie bike with pink
streamers! I don't think Joseph
loved the bunny ears, but we thought
they were adorable!! The kids had
an exciting Easter Egg hunt at Gma
& Grandpas. We missed Kaleb & Aiden!!
Happy Easter!!! xoxo Alissa
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Friday, April 6, 2007

Halloween All Year Long

No matter rain or shine, spring or fall, we love our costumes!!Posted by Picasa

Grandpa Norm

Spending an afternoon with Grandpa and cousin Norvie!!
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Droopy Eyes

Ryan & Ava love to spend time with Aunt Coco & Uncle Andy. Poor Layla got her workout with the kids. What a great afternoon nap together!!
RyaPosted by Picasa

We don't always fight!!

Mutual Love!! We had a great 2006 before Joseph was born. We turned 3 & 5 and had great birthday parties. We played with friends and family and spent countless days outside with Dad, Moss & Gus. We have fun sharing a room, getting ready for the new baby. Many nights while we are supposed to be reading, we jump back and forth between beds until we get caught. Mom has heard us tell the same knock knock joke back and forth for close to an hour while we giggle after each joke!!